Here are my publications and forthcoming publications, listed newest to oldest. Most are short fiction, but I have also highlighted my books in the table of contents below. You can jump to a specific date. Last updated Jan. 17 2025.
“A Song of Reunions and Long Goodbyes” coming soon in Hand of Doom: A Literary Tribute to Black Sabbath alongside contributions from writers such as Ai Jiang, Gemma Files, Jo Kaplan, and John Palisano.
“The Project” in And One Day We Will Die” Strange Stories Inspired by the Music of Neutral Milk Hotel
Thoughtfully compiled by Patrick Barb, this anthology contains stories inspired by individual songs, from amazing writers such as John Langan, Tiffany Morris, Brian Evenson, Joe Koch, M. Lopes da Silva, and many more. My contribution focuses on the song “Oh Comely.” January 2024.

“The Halls” in between doorways: explorations into liminal space
A story of reiteration and nurturing in this anthology of liminal space horror crafted by a group of friends and edited by TJ Price. Includes stories from Erik McHatton, Ivy Grimes, Angela Sylvaine, Caleb Stephens, and many more. January 2025.

“Bitter Makes the Sweet So Sweet” on Tales to Terrify
A weird piece reprinted from Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic, a benefit project for the Chicago Abortion Fund. Narrated by Josie Babin. January 2025.

“The Encausting” on PseudoPod
As part of a flash episode, my story from Seaside Gothic is reprinted. Narrator Dani Daly. December 2024.
“The Rooms Behind the Kitchen” in Haven Speculative
“It began at least six months before her end, though of course Rose-Ellen didn’t know to frame it in such terms at that time. A little nudge out of her body and to the side, subtle at the start as such dire things often are. . .” November 2024.

“The Thicket” on The Drabblecast
A reprint from the experimental horror magazine ergot. Narrated by Norm Sherman. October 2024.
“Auxiliary, Supplementary, Inessential” in Apex Magazine
My teaching dreams horror story (well, one of them) is reprinted here from Eric Raglin’s anthology Bitter Apples. August 2024.

Cover art and the story “Investigation Into a Disappearance” in Odd Jobs: Six Files from the Department of Inhuman Resources
An anthology of workplace horror developed by a group of friends. Includes stories from Ai Jiang, Ivy Grimes, Erik McHatton, Carson Winter, and Caleb Stephens, and editorial work by TJ Price. my story focuses on a professor who has to help find a missing student. September 2024.

“Arcimboldo” and “Fall Into Water, Become Someone New” on The Drabblecast
The new ocean horror story ‘Arcimboldo” and a reprint from my short story collection One Eye Opened in That Other Place. Narrated by Norm Sherman and The Word Whore. August 2024.

“New Again” in Mother Knows Best: Tales of Handmade Horror
A story of reincarnation and do-overs in a star-studded anthology including Gwendolyn Kiste, Rachel Harrison, Kelsea Yu, Kristi DeMeester, and many more. May 2024.

Short fiction collection, One Eye Opened in That Other Place
This collection focuses on liminal spaces and portals and includes the new stories “Playmate,” “An Education,” Gingerbread,” “Little Cat, Little Hare,” and “Chicory” as well as stories that are from hard-to-find or out-of-print publications. “One Eye Opened in That Other Place collects Christi Nogle’s best weird and fantastical stories. The collection focuses on liminal spaces and the borders between places and states of mind. Though you might not find a traditional portal fantasy here, you will travel across thresholds and arrive at other places and times that are by turns disquieting, terrifying, and wonderful. Get up close with the local flora and fauna, peruse the weird art exhibits and special shows, and consider taking a dip in the mossy, snail-filled tank of water. Make sure to bring your special glasses.” March 2024.

“Kim, Ray, Trey, and Morgan” in Escalators to Hell: Shopping Mall Horrors
A weird fiction piece in this fun mall-themed horror anthology. February 2024.

Translated novel, Beulah in Spanish from Dilatando Mentes Editorial
A gorgeous, fully illustrated version of my novel. Cover by Ah Taut. January 2024

“Weekend, Ruined” in The Quiet Ones
A quiet horror story about a mother who notices something very wrong about her hands. December 2023.

“The Book of Brats” in Chthonic Matter 4
A very short story about memory loss and a frightening lad. This is also available through Kindle Unlimited here. December 2023.

“Lights Out, Everything Off” in The Cellar Door: Dark Highways
A near-future science fiction horror related to the story “Lovey” in Haven Spec. October 2023.

“A Maze in Tall Grass” in A Darkness Visible
“A Darkness Visible seeks to dispel notions that horror is a ‘conservative’ or formulaic genre. As these experiments in fiction make clear, horror is and remains a literature of disjunction, showing its potential to transport us to unknown realms while reflecting our human doubts, longings, and desires.” October 2023.

Short fiction collection, Promise
Longlisted for the BFSA award. “Promise collects Christi Nogle’s best futuristic stories ranging from plausible tech-based science fiction to science fantasy stories about aliens in our midst: chameleonic foils hover in the skies, you can order a headset to speak and dream with your dog, and your devices sometimes connect not just to the web but to the underworld. These tales will recall the stories of Ray Bradbury, television programs such as Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone, and novels such as Little Eyes by Samanta Schweblin or Under the Skin by Michel Faber. They are often strange and dreadful but veer towards themes of hope, potential, promise.”
Several new stories in this, most notably the noveletter “Flexible Off-Time.” September 2023.

Anthology, co-edited with Ai Jiang, Wilted Pages: An Anthology of Dark Academia
“Wilted Pages is a new Dark Academia anthology filled with gloomy buildings, hidden histories, secret societies, lurking shadows, futuristic boarding schools, corrupt systems, gothic aesthetics, occult learning and forbidden texts… And that’s only your first semester.” Cover by Yorgos Cotronis.

Contributions from:
- Hussani Abdulrahim
- Octavia Cade
- Amber Chen
- Brian Evenson
- Cyrus Amelia Fisher
- Jennifer Fliss
- Ana Hurtado
- Gabino Iglesias
- R.J. Joseph
- Jo Kaplan
- John Langan
- R.B. Lemberg
- Premee Mohamed
- Suzan Palumbo
- Marisca Pichette
- Michael A. Reed
- Ayida Shonibar
- Simo Srinivas
- Steve Rasnic Tem
“Significant Dreamers of the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction” in Vastarien
A story concerning WPA-style documentary work about the new dreaming. My third appearance in this wonderful journal. June 2023.

“A Chronicle of the Mole-Year” in Strange Horizons (novelette)
A quiet story about choosing and voting, how we spend our lives, and how much we often forget. June 2023.
“Bitter Makes the Sweet So Sweet” in Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic

A vampire tale focused on family, abuse, and the savoring of pain. The anthology, from Jolie Toomajan and Cosmic Horror Monthly, is a charity work benefitting the Chicago Abortion Fund. June 2023. Also reprinted on Tales to Terrify.
“Permissions” in Dark Matter Magazine
This dark science fiction story about virtual children and the end of humanity appears in what Dark Matter is calling their grimmest issue to date. May 2023.

“In Dark Tabittree” in Cosmic Horror Monthly
This folk/cosmic horror story appears alongside stories from Gwendolyn Kiste, Ray Knowles, Alex Wolfgang, Timothy G. Huguenin, and more. My story features a Tuckerization of writing friend Gully Novaro and is one of my favorite recent works. May 2023.

April 18, 2023, three pieces came out on the same day:
- “Auxiliary, Supplementary, Inessential” in Bitter Apples. Teacher SF horror about adjuncting.
- “Callous” in Collage Macabre. Art horror about grief, loss, and regeneration. I also created the cover for this anthology.
- “Once a Traveller” in Monstrous Futures. SF horror about the future of travel

“One Eye Opened in That Other Place,” Narrated by Christopher O’Halloran, in Three-Lobed Burning Eye 38.
A weird tale about Charles and Dottie’s romance, and that other place. April 2023.

“Harvest” in Obsolescence

A retro science fiction story about things that reach out from the TV. Available in a lovely hardcover edition as well as paperback and ebook. March 2023.
“The Glass Owl” in From the Ashes: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy for Burn Survivors
“Curated by award-winning editor Zelda Knight, this short fiction collection contains elemental magic and fire-based mythical creatures benefiting burn survivors.” Out of print. February 2023.

“The Apartment” on Don’t Fall Asleep
An audio adaptation of a story from Horror Library 7. February 2023.
“Night, When Windows Turn to Mirror” in Mooncalves
This is one of my favorites, and I’m so glad it found its home in this opulent limited-edition hardcover. Other stories by some of my favorite authors such as J.A.W McCarthy, Brian Evenson, Lisa Tuttle, and Steve Rasnic Tem. Another favorite writer, Kelly Link, blurbed the book. January 2023.

“An Auction, a Yard Sale, a Clearing-Away” in Prairie Fire 43.4

My first publication of 2023. A friend said this story reminded her of Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” January 2023.
Short fiction collection, The Best of Our Past, The Worst of Our Future
A collection of Shirley Jackson inspired horror fiction, this book includes many reprints as well as the new stories “Mirrorhouse” and “The Porches of Our Ears.” A 2023 Bram Stoker Award nominee.
“The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future collects Christi Nogle’s finest psychological and supernatural horror stories. Their rural and small-town characters confront difficult pasts and look toward promising but often terrifying futures. The pieces range in genre from psychological horror through science fiction and ghost stories, but they all share fundamental qualities: feminist themes, an emphasis on voice, a focus on characters’ psychologies and a sense of the gothic in contemporary life. Stories here may recall Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper,’ Shirley Jackson’s ‘“’The Renegade,’ or Kelly Link’s ‘“’Stone Animals.'” January 2023.

Anthology co-edited with Willow Dawn Becker, Mother: Tales of Love and Terror
I was co-editor and wrote the introduction along with Willow Dawn Becker. We were pleased to help anthologize works by some of our favorite authors:
“The Sire,” by Steven Rasnic Tem
“Last Leaf of an Ursine Tree,” by Hailey Piper
“Of a Thousand Arms and More,” by Ai Jiang
“Passed,” by Elizabeth R. McClellan
“Mother Made Cake,” by Nicoletta Giuseffi
“Puerperium,” by Donyae Coles
“Pelican,” by Gemma Files
“Fracture,” by Mercedes M. Yardley
“When Auntie’s Due,” by Sarah Read
“Vé’otsé’e (Warpath Woman),” by Shane Hawk
“Stone’s Blood,” by Nick Bouchard
“Shields,” by Christina Sng
“The Bone Child,” by Ryan Cole
“The Wives of Tromisle,” by Dan Coxon
“Duties Terrible and Dear,” by John Langan
“Worry Dolly,” by Nadia Bulkin
“(sub)Maternal Instincts,” by K.M. Veohongs
“720º,” by Steve Toase
“Number ONE,” by Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito
“Here in the Cellar,” by R. Leigh Hennig
“She’s Untouchable,” by Renee Cronley
“Lida’s Beach,” by Stephanie Nelson
“Instruments of Bone and the Flesh Songs They Create,” by Nikki R. Leigh
“Transformative Love,” by Tehnuka
“The Withering Depths,” by Todd Powell
“Waiting for Mother,” by Brian Evenson
“Unchild,” by Jonathan Louis Duckworth
“Take Care,” by S.P. Miskowski
“Mother Trucker,” by Wailana Kalama
“The Last Sin,” by Gabino Iglesias
“Jacob’s Mother,” by Katie McIvor
“Millions” in Cosmic Horror Monthly 30
This story is a bit of a departure for me. Hope folks enjoy it! I love the covers on this magazine. December 2022.

“Blue in the Streets” at The Saturday Evening Post
This story features a very sweet ghost-dog. October 2022.

“I Entered Veda’s Dream” in The Gravity of the Thing
A lovely home for this very short experimental story about dreams and family. The hardcover is gorgeous and also features a screenprinted dustjacket. October 2022.
“Promise” in Fusion Fragment 13
Absolutely love the cover of this issue, which is inspired by my story “Promise,” appearing here as a reprint (originally published by Escape Pod). September 2022
“The Pack” in Underland Arcana
Delighted for this retirement-horror story to appear in Underland Arcana. This is my second appearance in the zine and third appearance in an Underland Press title. October 2022.

“Out at the Old Trestle” in Campfire Macabre II
My first appearance in an anthology from Cemetery Gates Media (the publisher of my debut novel–and the cover artist Luke Spooner also did this one). This volume brings together stories on several themes, and mine straddles the “90s” and “When We Were Getting High” themes. October 2022.

“I Came Back” in Nightscript VIII
This remains one of my favorite stories I have written. My fourth appearance in C.M. Muller’s excellent Nightscript series. This is one not to miss. October 2022.

“Naked Shark” in Tales From Between
Weird erotic story set at the seaside. September 2022.

“Threads Like Wire, Like Vine” on Tales to Terrify
A surreal haunting, a sinister piece of lingerie. This story originally appeared in the Handmade Horror Stories anthology, and it is my seventh story on this podcast. August 2022.
“The Encausting” in Seaside Gothic
A quiet, weird body horror piece in this good-looking UK journal. July 2022.

“A Farce” in issue 1 of Pumpernickel House: The Blue Door
“I think I smell a gate.” A surreal fairy-tale inspired story. This story was also distributed as a handmade booklet. June 2022.

“The Old Switcheroo” on PseudoPod
My third appearance on the podcast, with a reprint from Scott J. Moses’s What One Wouldn’t Do. Fantastic narration by Sheila Regan and hosting by Kat Day. June 2022.
“Waterfall” in Diet Riot
A fantasy-horror story about perception and charisma. June 2022.

“Cocooning” in Dark Matter Magazine 009
One of my favorite stories, in one of my favorite magazines! Thisstory originally appeared in Three-Lobed Burning Eye. It is my most reprinted story and marks my second appearance in Dark Matter Magazine. May 2022.

“The Thicket” at ergot.
A tiny experimental flash piece drawn from my novel-in-progress All My Really Good Friends. The editor of ergot, Samuel M. Moss, has a clear and compelling vision, and I am excited to see what he publishes next. Check out the other stories there too! April 2022.

“Unschooled” in The Dread Machine
Those who brought us Mixtape: 1986 also reprinted this weird werewolf story, originally appearing in XVIII (Eighteen) from Underland Press. April 2022.

Interview in Unnerving #17
I was interviewed for this magazine. I have never been in the magazine before but previously had a story in Unnerving’s Haunted Are These Houses anthology. IUnnerving also posted my books and pets photo. April 2022.

“The Portrait of Basil Hallward” in long con magazine 10
I just learned about this publication focused on “art about art.” Love it! Check out their graphics on the cover page as well as the story. March 2022.

“Formless” in Tales From Between
I don’t write a lot of horror flash, but I was pleased with how this little vampire piece turned out. March 2022.

“Every Day’s a Party (With You)” in Mixtape: 1986
I am looking forward to having people read this monster story set in Christmas of 1986. This is the much-anticipated first anthology from The Dread Machine. March 2022.

Love the trailer for this!
“The Apartment” in Horror Library 7
My short story about city-anxiety and apartment restoration appears here among stories from some of my favorite contemporary horror writers. Dark Moon Books. March 2022.

“Move-In Weekend” in Chilling Crime Short Stories
My story of a young murderer appears in this volume alongside stories from Ramsey Campbell, Robert Ford, Zandra Renwick, and many more. Flame Tree has the loveliest covers and does a nice author Q& A for these: part one and part two. This is my second story in the Gothic Fantasy series. February 2022.

“A Game Like They Play in the Future” in Etherea Magazine #7
A romantic time travel story. “The game is an addiction. Once started, players do not stop, much as they’re warned. The game is a religion. Highly personalized, soul-affirming.” February 2022.

“Lovey” in Haven Speculative, Issue 2
A near-future story about retirement in a Lectra-Van and the kindness of strangers. January 19, 2022.

“Guesthouse” in Orca Literary (read online)
A Science fiction fantasy story about ghosts travelling through time. January 17, 2022.

“The Second Attempt” in Issue 1 of Land Luck Review (read online)
My second story of 2022 is a very short one! This online journal published pieces of 500 words or less. The story is in great company, and you can access the full TOC for issue 1 here. January 4, 2022.
“Fall Into Water, Become Someone New” at The Antihumanist
My first story published in 2022 was the weird musical “Fall Into Water, Become Someone New” at The Antihumanist. January 1, 2022.

First novel, Beulah
Winner of the 2022 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Novel. Nominee for the Shirley Jackson Award in the Novel category.

Beulah is the story of Georgie, an eighteen-year-old with a talent (or affliction) for seeing ghosts. Georgie and her family have had a hard time since her father died, but she and her mother Gina and sisters Tommy and Stevie are making a new start in the small town of Beulah, Idaho where Gina’s wealthy friend Ellen has set them up to help renovate an old stone schoolhouse. Georgie experiences a variety of disturbances—the town is familiar from dreams and she seems to be experiencing her mother’s memory of the place, not to mention the creepy ghost in the schoolhouse basement—but she is able to maintain, in her own laconic way, until she notices that her little sister Stevie also has the gift. Stevie is in danger from a malevolent ghost, and Georgie tries to help, but soon Georgie is the one in danger.
“With a skilled and unflinching hand, Nogle guides us through layers of time and experience in Beulah. Through the eyes of reluctantly “gifted” Georgie, we see what is usually hidden—the heartbreaking and terrifying—every rich and textured detail leading to a truly satisfying payoff. I will never forget this walk with the dead.”
“Nogle, like all writers with a rare knack coupled with incredible skill and imagination, makes everything she writes look easy and effortlessly ingenious. Even the Table of Contents of her latest novel, Beulah, reflects that sense of effortless ingenuity (The beginning chapter is called “When you talk to the dead”, followed by 12 month named titles, followed by the last chapter, “When you walk with the dead”). I’ve been lucky enough to publish Nogle’s short stories twice now, and I hope to publish her work many more times in the future. My initial reaction to reading this debut novel is simply this: how in the hell could this be anyone’s first novel? It’s so assured, so masterful, so in control at every level. This is not the typical mess of even the most talented writer’s first attempt at that tricky long form. This is the work of a top tier author in top form. Anyone writing a book blurb is tempted to summarize the plot and shower the book (and writer) with hyperbolic praise. I won’t do the former, and I promise you I’m not doing the latter. Nogle has all the goods, a singularly weird imagination, a tremendous sense of pacing and voice, and a mastery of clarity and control on the sentence level. Beulah will easily prove to be one of the best horror novels (never mind debut novels) of 2022. Read it.”
“She Ain’t Stoppin’ ” in Vastarien: A Literary Journal 4.2
I’m excited to have a second story appear in this excellent journal! From the page: “Another double issue! Cover art by Anna Trueman and over 300 pages of all new stories, articles, lyric essays, poetry, hybrid pieces and visual art. Contributors include Hailey Piper, Carson Winter, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Greg Sisco, Joanna Parypinski, Dejan Ognjanović, Christi Nogle, Kurt Fawver, Ivy Grimes, Clint Smith, and many more!” December 2021.

“Cocooning” in Three-Lobed Burning Eye anthology VIII
“Cocooning” appears in print in this gorgeous anthology! November 2021.

Humans Are the Problem: A Monster’s Anthology, including “Laurel’s First Chase”
I’m so excited to have a story in this anthology featuring some of the finest horror writers out there! “Laurel’s First Chase” is the final story in the book. October 2021.

“Canyon Village” in Underland Arcana (read online) and Underland Arcana Deck One
A short epistolary story related to my story “Unschooled” from Underland Press’s XVIII, which also played on The Wicked Library. October 2021.

“The Old Switcheroo” in What One Wouldn’t Do from Scott J. Moses
My story “The Old Switcheroo” is the very last story in this anthology! September 2021.

“Threads Like Wire, Like Vine” in Handmade Horror
This anthology focuses on arts and crafts-based horror, including my story of a macrame thrift-store teddy. September 2021.
“Every City a Small Town” in Nonbinary Review #25 Prohibition
Short dystopian story about the pleasures of disobedience. September 2021.

“Cocooning” on Tales to Terrify (listen online)
I was honored to find “Cocooning”–one of my best stories–featured on the 500th episode Special of Tales to Terrify. This dark tale originally appeared in Three-Lobed Burning Eye and is expertly narrated here by Nikolle Doolin. My sixth story on this podcast. August 2021.
“The Pelt” on The Wicked Library (listen online)
This story has always been special to me, and even more so now. It was one of my mother’s favorites, and just a few days before she died, she was able to listen to Mary Murphy’s wonderful narration of it with me. The story debuted in Vastarien and is my third story to appear on this podcast. August 2021.
“The Gods Shall Lay Sore Trouble Upon Them” in Boneyard Soup 3
This weird tale, originally from Nightscript VI, was inspired by Hesiod’s Theogony as well as some strange dreams I had. My second appearance in this magazine, which has since shut its doors. July 2021.

“Viridian Green” on Tales to Terrify (listen online)
An extremely short tale illustrating the myriad horrors of Zoom meetings. My fifth story on this podcast. July 2021.
“The Orbital Bloom” in Fusion Fragment 6 (coauthored with Eileen Gunnell Lee)
The first time I have collaborated on a story. An epistolary story that is lovely and was fun to create (though be warned that it does get a bit gross). “epistolary / mother-daughter relationships / resetting.” My second appearance in Fusion Fragment. May 2021.

“Unschooled” on The Wicked Library (listen online)
Lovely narration by Addison Peacock! My second story to run on this podcast. April 2021.
“Talia” in Saltwater and Other Stories
My story “Talia” has been reprinted in the literary anthology Saltwater and Other Stories from Askance Publishing. March 2021.

“Resiliencia” at Escritoras de Urras Podcast (listen online)
My story “Resilience” from PseudoPod translated into Spanish! February 2021.

“You Will Make Me Strong Again” on Tales to Terrify (listen online)
“Three nights are gone by on the island before I begin to see you.” Lovely narration by Heather Thomas. This one appears about 16 minutes into the podcast and is followed by “All Gods Creatures Got Reasons” by Frank Oreto. My fourth story on the podcast. February 2021.
“The Portrait of Basil Hallward” and “Move-in Weekend” on Tales to Terrify (listen online)
A story inspired by The Picture of Dorian Gray, beautifully narrated by Bryce Dahle. A story of a young murderer with spot-on narration by Sarah Mehra. My second and third stories on the podcast. February 2021.
“A Cold Grip” in Boneyard Soup‘s Premier Issue
January 2021. My first story in Boneyard Soup. The story was up on the site for a while, but now that the next issue is out, it can no longer be read for free–or read at all since the site went dark.

“Finishers” in Dark Matter Magazine 001
I was excited to have a story in the first issue of this promising new magazine. “Finishers” is a dark science fiction coming-of-age story. Print copies of the first issue appear to be sold out, but a digital edition of the issue can be had here. January 1, 2021.

“Swarm of Pan” in Centropic Oracle (listen online)
I was happy to have this very short story reprinted at Centropic Oracle after the original publisher, Automata Review, went offline. Fantastic narration by Tori Danner!
“The Laffun Head” in Speculative North #3
A creepy science fiction story about death and a mysterious wall-hung head. The issue is free if you sign up for the Speculative North Newsletter here or can be had at Amazon. December 2020.

“Packet C” on Toasted Cake Podcast (listen online)
Tina Connolly does an excellent narration of this very short story!
“The Gods Shall Lay Sore Trouble Upon Them” in Nightscript VI
October 2020. My third story in this series, a weird one for sure. I love the Nightscript series!
“Cocooning” in Three-Lobed Burning Eye (read online)
“At first it’s just a shifting, shimmering movement too small to notice. My face—I know I’m holding it still—but it’s moving slightly, crawling around the jaw.” This story has gotten me more fan mail than any other and led to some editors reaching out for stories. I was also interviewed about the story by Todd Sullivan for this short video. June 2020.

“Resilience” in PseudoPod (listen or read online)
Narrated beautifully by Dani Daly and hosted by Kat Day, May 2020. Um, don’t eat lunch while you listen to this one.
I was honored to see this story listed on the Strange Horizons Short Fiction Round Up from Maria Haskins. My second story to run on this podcast. June 2020.

“A Children’s Treasury of Windows and Doors” in Hermine
My novelette “A Children’s Treasury of Windows and Doors” appears in the debut issue of S. Kennedy Sobol’s new journal alongside stories by Alison Stine, Chris Kuriata, Mehdi M. Kashani, Wendy Nikel, and Lituo Huang. Gorgeous cover art by Stephanie Singleton. June 2020.

“Substance” in Fusion Fragment 1

My first novelette, “Substance,” appears in Issue #1 of Fusion Fragment, a newly revived pay-what-you-like magazine. If you pay $5, you’re entered into a drawing to win books suggested by each issue’s authors. I liked the story description from their main page: “ ‘Substance’ by Christi Nogle: really big worms / royalty / classic literature.” May 2020.
“Smaller Still Than Me” in The Arcanist (read or listen online)
My third story in The Arcanist. This one is also read very nicely for the Tales From The Arcanist podcast episode 44 on Spotify. April 2020.

“Watershakers” in Pulp Literature

This short story appeared in April 2020. I read a portion of it at the Pulp Literature Book Launch (48 minutes into the recording).
“Unschooled” in Underland Press’s XVIII (Eighteen): Stories of Mischief & Mayhem
Available at Indiebound | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo
The short story “Unschooled.” March 2020.

“Talia,” first-place in Askance Winter Short Story Competition (read an excerpt online)
A story about summer. From the page: “Talia felt like pure Americana, the images as brilliant as the sunshine the story swelters in, the characters as gritty and down-to-earth as a documentary. Writing from multiple points of view is always risky, a writer can so easily lose the reader’s attention, break the thread, wake the reader from that ‘vivid and continuous dream.’ Not so with Talia, the multiple POV works beautifully, a mark of the author’s skill.” March 2020.
“Packet C” in Sabr Literary
A little Frankenstein story. Sadly, the original publication site has gone dark, but the piece was reprinted on Toasted Cake. February 2020.
“Cinnamon to Taste” at The Wicked Library (listen online)
My Nightscript IV story “Cinnamon to Taste” is now available to hear online at The Wicked Library. Lovely narration by Sarah Ruth Thomas. My first story on this podcast. November 2019.

“Promise” in SYNTH: An Anthology of Dark SF

“Promise” has been reprinted in C.M. Muller’s dark science fiction anthology series. September 2019.
“The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future” at Tales to Terrify (listen online)
“The Best of Our Past, the Worst of Our Future” is available online for the first time at the Tales to Terrify podcast–number 397, wonderfully narrated by Corinne Bachaud. This is a fantastic horror podcast–check it out! On the podcast, there is an introductory story before the start of mine, so make sure to keep listening. My first story on Tales to Terrify. September 2019.

“The Pelt” in Vastarien: A Literary Journal
“The Pelt” appears alongside beautiful full-color illustration in this fantastic issue of Vastarien. This story was reviewed by Des Lewis and was chosen by Vastarien’s editors for a Pushcart Prize nomination. Summer 2019.

“What Do You See When You’re Both Asleep?” in The Arcanist (read online)
My science fiction flash story about communication with dogs “What Do You See When You’re Both Asleep?” first appeared in The Arcanist. June 2019.
The story was also podcast on Manawaker Studio Podcast in 2020.
“A White Filigree” in Three Drops From a Cauldron (read online)
This very short story is now out in issue 26 of the U.K. publication Three Drops from a Cauldron. June 2019.
Flame Tree Publishing’s American Gothic anthology

“In the Country,” originally published on Pseudopod, is now out in an anthology of American Gothic fiction from Flame Tree Press. Contemporary writers appear alongside Shirley Jackson, Flannery O’Connor, Edgar Allen Poe, and more. Flame Tree has a blog post with authors’ inspirations for these stories and another on authors’ favorite American Gothic Stories. May 2019.
“A Vampire Novelist” at Riddled with Arrows (read online)
Riddled with Arrows is an online magazine that publishes metafiction. The theme of this issue
This story of a vampire novelist writing about a vampire novelist was written in late 2018 and published in April 2019.
“You Will Make Me Strong Again” at freeze frame fiction (read online)
This ghost story was written in 2018 and published March 2019.
“Paper Dragonfly, Paper Mountain” at Apparition Lit (read online)
This science fiction flash story was written and published in February 2019.

“The Children of Robbie” in Black Dandy 3
My story “The Children of Robbie”debuted in the New Zealand publication Black Dandy. From the issue description: “A compassionate dog and his anachronistic family prove that oddity comes in all shapes and with unexpected outcomes.” January 2019.

“Cinnamon to Taste” in Nightscript IV
My second story in this wonderful series edited by C.M. Muller. “Cinnamon to Taste” begins with luscious cinnamon babka and gets a little weird from there. This story was real-time reviewed by Des Lewis and listed in Ellen Datlow’s recommended list for Best Horror of the Year, volume 11. October 2018

“The Drought, 1983” in Dappled Things (read online)
This is one of the only stories I’ve written that could not be labeled speculative, but I would say it’s still a horror story if you squint. It was published as an honorable mention for the J.F. Powers Prize.

“Promise” on Escape Pod (listen online)
Tina Connolly beautifully narrates this story of a young innocent recruited into a creepy academy of game design. This was part of the Escape Artists’ series Artemis Rising 4, which had an amazing cover from Geneva Benton. March 2018.

“The Best of Our Past, The Worst of Our Future” in Haunted Are These Houses
This story originally in Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet was reprinted in 2018’s Haunted Are These Houses from Unnerving. This is a great anthology with many different flavors of the gothic. 2018.

“Swarm of Pan” in Automata Review
The teacher dreams begin. I loved Automata Review. This publication ran from 2017-2020 and published some wonderful stories by writers such as Stephen Graham Jones, Premee Mohamed, and Eddie Generous. Sadly, the magazine is no longer active, but the story was podcasted on Centropic Oracle in a later year. 2018.
“A Fully Chameleonic Foil” in The Arcanist (read online)
A seller of fully chameleonic foil brings her wares to the park. December 2017. My first appearance in this online magazine. This story was also reprinted in The Arcanist: Year One and in Sins and Other Worlds, edited by Eric S.

“The Gestures Remain” in Nightscript III
Rainbow House has its secrets. My first story in C.M. Muller’s

“The Best of Our Past, The Worst of Our Future” in Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 36
A long, hot summer and a visitor comes to stay. I absolutely love Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet and everything from Gavin J. Grant and Kelly Link’s Small Beer Press. 2017.

“In the Country” on PseudoPod (listen or read online)
The first piece I submitted to a national publication. I was thrilled with the lovely narration by Dagny Paul as well as the discussion of the story by Andrea Subissati and Alexandra West of Faculty of Horror. My first appearance on this podcast. Dagny Paul did an excellent narration of this story. This was part of the series Artemis Rising 3, which had an amazing cover from Ashley Mackenzie. March 2017.

“Cubby” at CDM Studio’s Portable Story Series (listen here)
As the winner in a “time travel” themed contest judged by Paul Levinson, “Cubby” was narrated by Lili Taylor and produced by Charles de Montebello of CDM Sound Studios for Portable Story Series. I’m a fan of Lili Taylor from her roles in the HBO program Six Feet Under and movies such as Say Anything, I Shot Andy Warhol, and The Haunting, so I was overjoyed that she narrated my story. The narration and CDM’s production were both beautifully done. The audio is available here, running about twenty-three minutes:
“Fortunes” in Writers in the Attic: Water
This short story appeared in an anthology from Boise’s The Cabin (formerly Log Cabin Literary Center) in 2016. My first story to be published.